My ongoing collaboration with poet Kalli Mathios and vocal trio Chatterbox, began in March of 2020. To date I have composed several settings of Kalli’s poems, and recorded them with Chatterbox. During the early days of the pandemic, I experimented with accompanying video. These videos accompany China Chalet and 5ame. Our show, which aired on Montez Press Radio, Eloquent Vulgar is a sound collage that I created out of our previous work.

Kalliopi Mathios is a writer and technical services librarian at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is the author of Circusheart (Social Malpractice, 2018) and Horsegirl (Plain Wrap Press, 2014). Her work can be read at Mana Contemporary, Hobart, and Electric Literature, among others.

Chatterbox is a Brooklyn-based experimental vocal trio consisting of Jolee Gordon, Isabel Crespo Pardo, and Priya Carlberg. The members of this composer/performer ensemble collectively contribute to the creation and arrangement of their output. Dynamic performances, involving movement and improvisation, twist, bend, and screech. As if yanking at that tiny thread dangling from your shirt, Chatterbox pulls you along with them, as you watch it all unravel right before your eyes.